
It has been a dreary week.  I can’t seem to get Boston out of my head, as so many others can’t either.  It’s just so overwhelming on many levels.  Maybe that’s why this rainy (pouring) weather seems to make it so much more dreary!  It’s supposed to rain for about 2 straight days.  Uggg.  I really thought that by now, mid April, I’d be running outside, but not quite yet.

I did finish Prison Break.  I LOVED the series!  It’s over.  There were 3 seasons & that’s it!  I will watch Parenthood unless I get other great recommendations while I’m on the treadmill. I am hoping that it’s not for long.

I had a great workout yesterday.  I did a 6 minute tabata, 30 minute tabata & 4 mile run.  I have been taking it easy lately, but that workout really got me moving & excited again!  I think I’m going to start to kick it up a bit to get moving.  I usually do run much more spring/summer, but the weather is just not cooperating.  However, I’m ready, so I’ll do it with or without the cooperative weather!

I made some great dishes tonight for dinner.

Curry Vegies


Awesome veggie burger (from Pinterest).


I’ll give you the recipes/links for those later.  Everyone (except for Truman) LOVED those veggie burgers.  They’re really great!

Homemade veggie burgers in our house haven’t been the greatest hit until now.

Do you have a great veggie burger recipe?  Please share…..

MEATLESS MONDAY & great recipes!


I have a couple of yummy recipes for you today.

Roasted Almond Butter 

3 C almonds

2 t honey

1 t vanilla

1 t cinammon

Preheat oven to 350

  1. Spread almonds on cookie sheet & toast in oven for  15 minutes.
  2. Put almonds in food processor & blend until desired consistency (could take 15 minutes).  Don’t get nervous, it takes a while.  It’ll start crummy & then will get a little thicker & if you wait it out, will become smooth & creamy.
  3. When it’s finally creamy, add vanilla, honey & cinamon.

Enjoy, it’s absolutely delicious!

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I also had this for breakfast yesterday & am really loving it.  It’s a bit messy, but hits the spot.


I put pepper & paprika atop.  This is the perfect Passover breakfast.

Did I show you my other breakfast concotion?

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It was great because the avacado was perfectly ripe.  I added little salt & pepper & smoked paprika.  YUM!

I got out for a 3 mile run yesterday.  I’m so happy to get outside again.  However, my body is really struggling with running.  I’m not sure if it was the 12 mile run that beat me up the other day or if it’s the transition to outside.  Either way, this is my taper week, so I’ll be taking it quite easy & focusing on tabata bootcamp workouts instead of running.  Hoping that my aches go away prior to my 1/2 marathon this weekend in Springfield.

Are you having a Meatless Monday?

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for the halter top from Girls4Sport here:

WIAW #6, giveaway & a birthday !


Thanks Jenn from Peas and Crayons for hosting another WIAW!!!!


Breakfast was on the go… I woke up late (hate when that happens).  I had to cut my workout short, hurry up & hang up balloons & streamers for Stone’s birthday & get ready before he woke up this a.m. so I could be ready with his birthday surprise.  Phew, I made it, but barely.  I grabbed a Quest bar (remember this for another post, hint) & my dandy new favorite glass so I could enjoy breakfast at work.  There’s green tea in that glass!


I had an apple for a mid morning snack (yes, it’s a recycled picture, but it was a honey crisp).


lunch was leftover zucchini/broccoli casserole with hummos.  Was a great combo.


I had this snack for Stone, as he likes a treat when I pick him up from school, but snagged some myself!  OMG- it’s so good!  It’s a little weird at first, but then it grows on you!  It’s a little spicy & a little sweet!  It’s a great treat & so yummy!


My dinner was perfect!  Of course, it was Stone’s birthday, so he got to choose what he wanted & he chose hot dogs with white bread buns, sesame noodles (not whole wheat pasta, plain white pasta), brussels sprouts  & cookie cake.  His favorites!!!


I knew that if I had a bite of the cookie cake, I’d have 5 pieces, so I had an orange instead.  That was will power for me, as they said it was really great.  I don’t have much control & save my suger overloads for Saturdays (usually).


Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter for the Two Moms in the Raw giveaway!

I’m off for a run (darn it, not outside, it’s so cold)  & my tabata bootcamp!  I’m really loving it.  It goes by quickly & keeps me motivated.

What’s on your agenda today?

New workout & kind deed!

I need to let you know that yesterday I posted a winner for the bib & medal holder.  I contacted that winner & she emailed me to let me know that she felt strongly that someone else should receive the prize, as there were so many of you who really wanted to win.  She was happy to win, but thought there were some of you who would appreciate it more than her!  So, I did just that!  I let the Rafflecopter do it’s magic & pick another winner.  The new winner is:

  • 82 Jen Clement Schomaker

Now, that’s a kind deed.  So sweet!


In the meantime, it’s almost Passover time for those of you who celebrate, you know that preparing for Passover & readying your house can be tremendous.  The past couple of years, we’ve locked our doors & gone away for the entire holiday, making preparations quite easy!  This year, we’re staying put & spending Passover with family!  That all being said, I’m doing as little cooking as possible leading up to Passover, as I want to clean out my kitchen.  So, I’m not sure what my food posts will be for a little while.  Actually, I’m guessing they may be non-existent for a bit.

However, I did start a new exercise regimine I’m very excited to tell you about.  I’ve signed up for virtual coaching by Laura from Fit Running Mama via  It’s the greatest thing ever!  I don’t need to think much about what I’m supposed to do, as Laura inputs everything into the system for me & I just log in each morning & do whatever she has designed for me to do that day.  I will tell you I was a little skeptical at first because she was telling me that some days I would only be doing 6 minute videos & I thought that’s a waste of my time.  However, those 6 minutes really kicked my butt!  The focus is on quality & not quantity.  Do it hard, harder, hardest & make it count.  Well, it counts, let me tell you! My calves are killing (good pain) today.  I’m really excited to do this along with my running to get me in shape.  I do feel that running is a great cardio sport, but it’s so one dimentional & I need to focus on strengthing my muscles.  I’m confident that by doing this tabata bootcamp virtual training, I’ll be in better shape.

If you want to check it out, head over here to find out more.  You can also check out the website at  You won’t be able to access the videos, but you can read about the philisophy behind the program.


Thus far, I’m quite impressed.  The best part is that there’s very little equipment needed & I can do it in my basement!  I actually had the necessary equipment & didn’t have to purchase anything at all!  I’ll keep you posted of my progress along the way.

Do you do cross training or do you simply stick with one form of exercise?

Don’t forget to enter the Two Moms in the Raw Rafflecopter.  Their stuff is so good!