Meatless Monday


Today is Meatless Monday & I’ve got a GREAT soup & other stuff for you as well.

I made this lentil soup, with a few alterations of course!


I added a can of tomatoes & omitted the onions.  I added extra garlic gloves & hot sauce.

It’s really good & simple!

I also had some leftover salad that was amazing.  It’s kale, purple cabbage, fennel, spinach with this peanut salad dressing from Carrie on Vegan.


This dressing is really great!  Not the most appealing looking, but delicious!

I also made a few other things that I prepped for the week.  I love when I’m prepared for the week with my meals because then I know that I’ll be eating well & not just grabbing things in a hurry that I would otherwise not eat if I had healthy stuff prepared!

So, I made the lentil soup, peanut dressing, kombucha squash tots, have tofu ready with ingredients for a recipe, as well as ingredients for sweet potato/zucchini patties & vegie soup.  I’ll share all of these with you as the week continues.

I had a good workout yesterday while watching Homeland, of course!  Ran 4 miles, 40 “ball sit-ups” & 128 push ups with the use of my 100 Push Up app!  So excited to be part of the No More Girly Push Up Challenge!

As for the Healthy sELF challenge.  Today is tackle a nagging task day.  It seems to be the theme of many other bloggers lately for this one- cleanin out workout clothes drawer.  I simply throw my workout clothes in this drawer & have to dig when I want something.  I’ve been meaning to clean it, but haven’t taken the time, well this is the time!  It’s got to get done!

Tomorrow I’ll announce the winner of the Affresh cleaning supplies.  You’ve still got a little time left today if you haven’t entered the rafflecopter!

The next giveaway is from Healthy Surprise!  The snacks are really amazing.  I blogged about it here, so you can check it out again if you forgot!  The rafflecopter is up & ready.  This is definitely one not to miss.  There are great things in there that I’ve never seen before  & am so happy that you’ll now have a chance to try out these goodies as well.


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Click on the Rafflecopter on the top right side of the page to enter!

Are you having a meatless Monday?

Holy Ned; it’s 100 Burpee day & Running Skirts

I feel like such a lucky girl!  The fine people at Running Skirts sent me the greatest goodies ever! Take a peak:


Check out the cool duds I got from the fine ladies at Running Skirts.  I absolutely LOVE their stuff.  The yoga pants are the SO comfy.  I’m not a huge yoga pant gal, but these are the bomb!  They fit so well & feel like I’m wearing pj’s.  They have nifty little ties on the bottom so you can adjust the length/width of the opening on the bottom of the pants.


(Please don’t mind the mess, it’s Stone’s room.  We’re just happy he can find his bed.  Of course, my sidekick Nemo is right there with me.)

The shirt they sent me is also adorable.  I wouldn’t have picked it b/c it’s different than my typical style, but it fits nicely & is comfy.  Did you see the amazing thumb holes with hand covers as well?  You can take off little by little until you warm up.  How brilliant.


Don’t forget about the cute head band that goes along with the outfit.  Those ladies don’t miss a beat!  I’m not usually so matchy, but who wouldn’t love this look?

I also got this adorable running skirt with capri’s.


So comfy & adorable.  Will make my runs so much more fun.  My sister always thinks it’s silly when people wear running skirts, but I always feel better when I wear something that makes me feel good & boy oh boy will I be happy wearing this new gear!

All of their clothing also has 2 girls running located somewhere on the clothing.  It’s absolutely adorable.

The ladies at Running Skirts are offering all of my readers 15% off.  Use the discount code “sharethelove13” for 15% discount for online purchases.  You should really check out their stuff, it’s absolutely adorable & best part is their customer service.  They’re so accomodating.  If you have any questions, they’re right on it!  Don’t wait, act on this great deal!

Ok, we’ll today is the 100 burpee challenge for those following the Healthy sELF challenge.

logo Healthy sELF Challenge

YUP, 100 burpees!  Oh My is what I have to say!  I was supposed to be off yesterday from work, but I had to go in, so I’m off today.  I’m off to run my 7 miles I’ve scheduled with myself & plan on getting in those 100 burpees one way or another.  I’m determined.  Even if it’s only a few here & there.  I’m gonna do it!  Will you join in?  Why not?  Let’s see if we can meet the challenge.

I love a challenge.  I always fight with my head trash & like to win.  When I run long & I’m getting tired, instead of psyching myself out, I encourage myself.  I guess there’s a bit of a competitor in me that I do like to finish & then am quite disappointed if I can’t.  Then, there comes the head trash that I need to deal with, so it’s easier for me to finish than deal with the residual head trash.

Do you know what I’m talking about ?

Do you have any head trash that you need to deal with from time to time?

Healthy sELF Challenge begins TODAY!!!

Hi All-

Well, today is the first day of the Healthy sELF Challenge.  I hope you read about it yesterday & decided to join in on the fun of this group.  Here’s a tip that Lindsay & Elle who are running this challenge want everyone to know:  Remember, this challenge isn’t about doing every challenge perfectly on the exact day it’s written on the calendar! It’s perfectly ok to modify the ones you’re not physically able to complete and do the challenges on a different day depending on your busy schedules.

Well, today is meatless Monday, so I’m making a pumpkin/squash black bean chilli


Here’s what I threw into the crockpot:

2 cans black beans

1 box vegie stock

cut up butternut squash in 1″ pieces

6 garlic cloves chopped

2 cans diced tomatoes

1 can pumpkin puree

3 t. chili powder ( the more the better for me)

1 t. cumin

That’s it folks!  Put it on low for 6 hours or High for 4.5

viola- Enjoy it’s simple and delicious!

That’s my Meatless Monday for the Healthy sELF Challenge.  This is an easy one for me because I typically eat meatless anyway.  Every once in a while (maybe every 2 weeks, I’ll have some chicken).  This crockpot of chili will be my lunches for he week.  Crockpot of goodness.  I love prepping for the entire week.  Typically by Thursday, I’m either done with it or sick of it.  Thank goodness Benji helps indulge.  When we’ve both had enough, it’s been going to my brother in law.  Hate to waste the goodness.


Are you having a meatless Monday?  What are you having?