Stormy Weather in Chicago

Holy Ned.  I can’t even begin to believe the storms that took over Chicagoland yesterday.  IT was insane!  We were quite lucky at my house & only had a little seepage in our basement.


However, here’s a picture of a friend’s neighborhood!  It’s so hard to believe.  It just doesn’t flood like that around here.  I guess this is spring showers.  Hoping this will bring warmer weather, however, we’re supposed to have snow flurries today!  It’s Enough!  I’m done with this weather.  I NEED spring!

In leau of all of yesterdays events with the weather, I didn’t get a workout in, as I had hoped.  So, today, I’m off for a good one, so this post will be very brief!

Oh, I also saw this yesterday & had to post it.  I love this!


Have a great weekend.  Don’t forget that if you have good suggestions for me to run with, I”d love them.  Because, I’m not running outside in this weather :(.

Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter for Hemp.  It’s about to end!!!!!!     You don’t want to miss out on this one!


It has been a dreary week.  I can’t seem to get Boston out of my head, as so many others can’t either.  It’s just so overwhelming on many levels.  Maybe that’s why this rainy (pouring) weather seems to make it so much more dreary!  It’s supposed to rain for about 2 straight days.  Uggg.  I really thought that by now, mid April, I’d be running outside, but not quite yet.

I did finish Prison Break.  I LOVED the series!  It’s over.  There were 3 seasons & that’s it!  I will watch Parenthood unless I get other great recommendations while I’m on the treadmill. I am hoping that it’s not for long.

I had a great workout yesterday.  I did a 6 minute tabata, 30 minute tabata & 4 mile run.  I have been taking it easy lately, but that workout really got me moving & excited again!  I think I’m going to start to kick it up a bit to get moving.  I usually do run much more spring/summer, but the weather is just not cooperating.  However, I’m ready, so I’ll do it with or without the cooperative weather!

I made some great dishes tonight for dinner.

Curry Vegies


Awesome veggie burger (from Pinterest).


I’ll give you the recipes/links for those later.  Everyone (except for Truman) LOVED those veggie burgers.  They’re really great!

Homemade veggie burgers in our house haven’t been the greatest hit until now.

Do you have a great veggie burger recipe?  Please share…..

Meatless Monday


Before I give you my Meatless Monday recipe, let me tell you what a hard time I have working out anytime later than 1st thing in the a.m.  Sunday a.m. I couldn’t workout as I had planned & then when I got home later in the day (& had the time), had such a hard time working out.  I only got a 2 1/2 mile run in along with a quick 6 minute tabata virtual bootcamp.  I just couldn’t do it!  I was wiped & just couldn’t do any more!  I am definitely a first thing in the morning workout gal.

Ok, here’s another fact about me!  I love Pinterest!  In fact, I used to love cookbooks, and have sevral that I’ve used over & over again.  However, I haven’t touched a cookbook in a very long time, as I only use PInterest to cook now!  I LOVE pinning & love cooking & really can’t cook without Pinterest anymore!  If you haven’t started pinning, it’s about time.  It’s seriously the best thing ever!!!!

In the meantime, my Meatless Monday is from Pinterest!

Here is the link for  Miso-Ginger Wild Rice with Carrots and Cabbage.  It’s a Whole Foods recipe & is so good!


I subbed quinoa for the rice.  It’s really good, you should try it!

Here’s a tofu recipe (Baked tofu with honey, chili powder, paprika, and sesame seeds) that I also made to go along with the above salad.

It was a great meal!


I just discovered this Kefir.  It’s so awesome!  Coconut chia!!!!!  Seriously, what’s better?

Do you like Kefir?  Are you a morning workout or afternoon workout person?

Don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter on the right side of the page for Hemp!