1st outdoor run & Great giveaway for summer & a burnout tank winner…

This is going to be a long one…

As you know, I’ve been swamped with Passover happenings & family stuff.  Enjoying & exhausted all at the same time.  Friday was really a nice day & I decided to treat myself to a run outside, as I have been staying up late & haven’t been able to get up at 5am as I typically do on weekdays.  Friday it was 52, warm enough for me to go outside for my first run!  So, my niece/babysitter came over at 1:30 & I was ready to go outside for my 12 mile run.  I was equiped with my new Salomon HYDRO S-LAB SET that was sent to me to review here.

It is a cool little hands free bottle holder.IMG_3450 IMG_3451

I used it for the first time for my long run on Friday.  I filled it up with water, adjusted it accordingly & off I went.  Here’s what Solomon says about this:  The Hydro Sense glove is Salomon’s lightest weight solution for carrying water during races without water bouncing or sloshing.This unique system designed around the hand with soft vented fabrics perfectly fits your soft flask, bouncing free without effort whatever the volume from 150 to 500ml. Well,  the fountains on my path are not on yet, so I was happy to have this hands free option, as I knew I’d need a drink at somepoint & didn’t want to spend time going to Starbucks for water (which I do when I’m thirsty & don’t have water).  I decided that as a “treat” to myself I would wait until at least 6 miles & 1/2 way through to have a swig from my nifty hands free water bottle.  It was so easy to drink from, I loved that!  What I wasn’t so fond of was the fact that my hand did get a bit sweaty.  It was a little uncomfortable for me.  The fact that it was only 52 does cause me some concern because I don’t know what it’ll feel like when it’s 85.  I’m sure my hand will be quite hot with this holder.  None the less, it is nice and convenient.  I’m not a fan of bottle holder belts, so this is a much better solution for me.  And, quite frankly, I’d rather have this device than stopping at Starbucks & interrupting my stride.  However, the bottle is small, so on long runs, I’ll need more water than this, so I’ll have to stop no matter what!  It’s definitely a fun little tool & worth trying if you’re looking for an alternative to a bottle belt.

Now, back to my 12 miler!  Let me tell you that it was magnicifient outside.  The sky was blue, was a bit windy, but so what- it was great to be outside!  I’ve never transitioned this quickly before from the treadmill to outside.  I typically will do a few miles at a time to ease into running indoors/outdoors.  Well, this time I had no choice, as I’m preparing for my 1/2 marathon next week & had to get a long run in outside prior to race day!  It was Hard.  I finally felt pretty good after 4 miles, but at 10 miles had to fight that self talk telling me that I wasn’t going to make it home!  Well, this wasn’t a race, it was my first long run outside, so I decided to go easy on myself.  I stopped at red lights (without stopping my time), I walked around mile 10 because I wanted a break.  I even untied my shoelace & adjusted my sock hoping that it was bunched up, but found out that it wasn’t!  It was my darn bunion with a blister atop!  (I wish it was a bunched up sock!).  When I’m really into my runs, I never stop for these type of things, but this was my first run outside & it wasn’t a race.  It was difficult!  When I run next week, my goal is to feel good!  I know it will not be a PR for me.  This is early in the season for me to  run a 1/2 marathon, but it’s getting me in gear for running this summer.  I have some extra winter weight that I’m hoping will move around or come off the more I run / sweat this spring/summer!  I was absolutely exhausted on Friday night.  It was so surprising to me how tired I was, as last summer 12 miles was only exhilirating & not exhausting.  It’s really hard to be patient & build back up to where I was before.  I’m sure I can do it, just needs patience.  I also think that the tabata bootcamp which is really making me stronger & is a great cross fit workout for me is making my muscles more fatigued!  So, when I woke Sat. a.m. I was sore.  Good sore though.  You know that good sore when you feel like you get a great workout?  Well, I had that good sore.  So, that was my 12 mile run outside, the first one of the season!


I wanted to take a pic after I took off my shoe & found my blister to show you how beautiful it was by the lake (I ran by NorthWestern), but it was so sunny, I couldn’t see anything & taking off my phone mid run & re-adjusting isn’t so easy for me either).  I did have my runningskirt on, but didn’t get a pic of that either!  Ha, this photo taking thing isn’t so simple when concentrating on running!

Do you stop to take photos when running or do you just run?

In the meantime, here’s a fun giveaway for you & it’s the perfect time too….

Check out this outfit below that I got from Girls4Sport.  Their stuff is really neat & made especially with women/girls in mind.

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Girls4Sport knows sun protection is important. Our fabrics have been professionally tested following the AATCC Test Method 183-200. Tested fabrics receive a UPF (UV Protection Factor) rating and are given an equivalent SPF (Sun Protection Factor) rating. To simulate use and wear in real life, our fabrics are tested wet and stretched. Our tested fabrics are rated at the maximum of SPF 65 and block at least 98% of UVA/UVB rays.

Their clothing is made with a woman’s body in mind.  Provides coverage & support where it’s needed.  I love the outfit above, not only is it so comfortable, but provides sun coverage & is adorable.  What’s better than that?

Girls4Sport has a lot offer & always seems to have sales as well.  Check out their stuff here:  Girls4Sport.

They’ve offered to give away a halter top to the winner of my giveaway!  This giveaway will be via Random.org.  You can enter by:

1.  Leaving me a comment below telling me which halter top you’d like to win after checking out http://www.Girls4Sport.net .

2.  Tweet about the giveaway & leave me a comment below telling me you did.  I want to win a halter top from Girls4Sport @hlthyrunningmom.

3.  Subscribe to my blog & leave me a comment telling me you did (or already are a subscriber).

4.  Post on Facebook about the giveaway & leave me a comment below telling me you did.

5.  Like Healthy Running Mom on Facebook & leave me a comment below telling me you did.

I will announce the winner on April 8 for the halter!


Carie A. is the winner! 
Please contact me with your address & full name so I can forward on to Ilona.

I’m Baaaack!


I’ve been swamped over here with Passover.  The past couple of years, we’ve gone to Florida & I’ve just locked up my house & gone away.  No big preparation of the house or lots of company.  It sure is much easier to just go away for the week, lie in the sun, relax & not stress about much.  However, being back in Chicago again & being with family for the holiday is so much different.  We really missed being with family.  We had 26 people last ngiht for the seder/dinner & it was wonderful.  Everyone participated & had a great time.  I’m still beat & recouperating, but so happy to be in town with family this year.  Not everyone was with us, but the people who were/are around, it’s so meaningful!

So, I took a little break from blogging for a few days to enjoy the holiday, which is still going on….


(Stone got new glasses a couple of days ago.)

I will take pics & post recipes soon.  I made a great salad that we’ll be eating for the next several days, as I made so much & it’s quite tasty!


(This is my new favorite breakfast!)  Avacado with egg-so great!

I have been fortunate to get my workouts in, even though my schedule is totally off!

Yesterday, I ran 5 & it was NOT easy!  I have been staying up late & working hard preparing, so it was hard to get my body to move, but I pushed it & did it!

I’ve also been diligent about getting in my tabata bootcamp workouts in!  The boys even tried to do it with me, but Stone found it to be a bit girly for him.  He didn’t like stretching out his hips, so he did his own exercises.

IMG_3436(Benji & Truman prior to the “festivities”.)


(Truman after festivities, fell asleep with Nemo.  Tru took Nemo’s bed & Nemo got the floor.  Nobody was in their proper bed 🙂 .)

IMG_3438(Oy, this was me blogging last night at midnight.  Benji couldn’t resist taking the pic. Thought I looked like the bride of Frankenstein.  Ha, he was right.  Oy, I can’t stay up that late anymore!)

Tomorrow, I’ll post pics/recipes & more healthy living tips.  Today, we’re off to a water park to get some movement in & get away from food :).

Don’t forget to enter both giveaways on the right side of the page.  One for Quest bars & the other for the adorable burnout tank.

What’s on your agenda for the day?

Fresh crisp salad

As promised, here’s a twist on a salad that I make often, but adjusted this one for Passover.

It’s a

Fresh Shredded Salad

  • 2 peeled beets
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 2 peeled carrots
  • 1 large bunch of broccoli (head & stalk)
  • about 15 parsley sprigs

shred everything in food processor using shredding blade (even parsley).

Pour into bowl together & season with the following:

  • fresh ground pepper (about 1 t)
  • 1/2 t garlic powder
  • 1 t apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 t lemon juice
  • 1/4 t olive oil

It’s quite easy & so fresh & delicious.  The best part is that it will keep for a few days & still remain crisp!

I did a 30 minute tabata bootcamp video & a 6 minute video as well yesterday.  It was mostly upper body & OMG was it hard!  I really have no upper body strength!

Today is supposed to be 50 & sunny!  Yes, it’s late March & I’m thrilled about 50.  I’ll take what I can get.  In the meantime, I’m hoping to have a babysitter & be able to get outside for my first run on the pavement!  I typically do my long runs on the weekend, but it’s going to be in the 30’s & cold, so I need to do it today!  Looking forward.  Then, it’ll be tapering time for the 1/2 marathon!

Do you exercise outdoors?  Does the weather matter to you while exercising?

The Quest Bar winner:  

  • 46 Sarah Tweet about the Giveaway

Please send me your mailing address.  Thanks & Congrats!

Meatless Monday


I’ve been so busy with my Passover preparations, that I forgot to take a picture of the marinated tofu roasted vegies salad

Although, I don’t have a picture to share, I must tell you it’s so good.  Definitely worth making even without a picture!

Marinated tofu:


1 container of extra firm tofu drained (I love to use my tofu press)

cut tofu into squares

mix together 2 t dijon mustard, 1 t Bragg’s amino acids, 1 t toasted sesame oil, 1 t honey

pour over tofu & bake in 425 oven for 40 minutes ( I like mine well done.  IF you don’t like it done so much, bake less).

I love roasting the Sweet Kale vegetable salad (below).


I spread the entire bag ( it shrinks) on a jelly roll pan sprayed with Pam & season the vegetables with 2 t. chili powder, salt & pepper & spray olive oil with a mister.

Bake in 425 oven for 20 minutes

While that’s baking, put arugula in a large bowl.


When the roasted vegetables are done, put atop the arugula & then put the tofu on top of everything.

I don’t think it needs anymore dressing, as it has a lot of flavor, but if you like, you can add a marinade of your liking.

This may seem like a lot of work, it’s really not & it’s so tasty!


What’s your favorite type of salad?

*Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for Quest Bars & the Etsy burnout tank – both giveaways are on the top right side of the page!

Winner & New Giveaway

Yesterday I had to do a 11 mile run (according to my 1/2 mile training routine by Hal Higdon).  There were a few reasons why I didn’t make it outside and ran on my treadmill!  It was a long hard run!  The good thing about doing a long run at home was that  I got to stop to use the restroom in my own, not a public restroom, got a drink when I wanted (didn’t need to wait for a fountain to appear or carry water with me) & got to watch Prison Break.  However, I am really done with the treadmill.  This body needs to get outside & feel the pavement.  I was really pushing the 11 miles today.  It was a slow/hard run!  Part of it was also that my rear & legs are sore from my tabata bootcamp.  The good new muscle building sore, but sore none the less!  I have 1 more long run (12) to do before the 1/2 marathon in Springfield in 2 weeks & I need to get outside!  Hoping for the weather to break & really turn into spring already!

IMG_3422 PROVEN- 11 miles on my treadmill!



I really needed these compression socks after that run.  I was told that it’s ok to wear compression sleeves for a run, but the socks are needed for recovery.  Here they are!

The winner of the Two Moms in the Raw giveaway is :

43 Laura Fine Leave a Blog Post Comment

Please send me your address so I can send out your samples.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Now, for a new giveaway….

I was so excited when Ilona from  strongconfidentYOU on etsy asked me what I would like to have put on a burn out tank.  Of course, I knew exactly what I wanted!

IMG_3405 IMG_3406

Running Through Headtrash

I love it, as I often have headtrash that I just need to run through.  She has a lot to choose from or can make a custom tank, as she did for me.

Ilona has so generously offered a tank like this for one of you.  Check out her etsy site to see all of her adorable tops.  I’m going to do this giveaway using Giveaway Tools!

Click on the link on the right side of this page to see the giveaway.  I’ve never used this before, so I’m hoping it works & you all can see it!

DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE QUEST BAR GIVEAWAY STILL GOING ON!  I had one throughout my run to help me get through the 11 miles.  They’re really tasty.

FRIDAY & another giveaway!!!

I’ve been loving my tabata bootcamp virtual trainings.  I did miss Wednesday b/c of my crazy day, but I’ve been right on track otherwise.  Yesterday I did a 6 minute (killer) workout, a 30 minute workout & then ran on the treadmill for a fast mile.  I was pumped & wish that I had run more, but Truman decided to join me downstairs & then my run quickly ended!  I’m hoping to get in a long run this weekend.  Maybe it’ll be 35 or 40 degrees & I’ll try to get outside!  I have no idea what the weather is supposed to be, but a girl can hope, right?!

So, I told you that I was going to start posting my giveaways b/c I’ve been getting so many good things for you to review & I’m excited to share with you!

I’m always a little skeptical about protein bars b/c so many are loaded with sugars or other binding ingredients, etc. that aren’t necessarily healthy.  However, the fine folks over at Quest sent me  some to try!


If you remember, I had my first one on Wednesday because I didn’t have time for my regular breakfast.  I grabbed one of these.  It happened coconut cashew.  It was absolutely delicious!  Seriously tasty!


Quest is the protein bar famous for waht it DOES NOT have!

-No sugar alcohols

-No added sugar

-No soy protein

-No glycerine

-No junk ingredients

-gluten free (added bonus)

They are loaded with 20g protein.  Seriously 20g protein is a ton & can really fill you up!

They are 100% Natural ingredients, nothing artificial!


They say that you should put the bar in the microwave for 15 seconds & the Quest bar will taste like afresh baked warm, soft cookie.  I haven’t tried that yet, but bet it would be amazing warmed up atop greek yogurt!

So, here’s your chance for a box of Quest chocolate chip cookie dough bars of your own!!!  Simply enter the Rafflecopter on the side bar for your chance to win!

Don’t forget to enter the rafflecopter for Two Moms in the Raw!  You have 1 more day to enter!

<a id=”rc-a3f1a36″ class=”rafl” href=”http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/a3f1a36/&#8221; rel=”nofollow”>a Rafflecopter giveaway</a>
<script src=”//d12vno17mo87cx.cloudfront.net/embed/rafl/cptr.js”></script>

What are you favorite protein bars?

Day Off ????!!!

Wednesdays are typically my long workout days & my days off so I can get a lot done.  Ha, not yesterday!  I volunteered in Truman’s class, which is only fun & wonderful, but really a bad day to do such a thing.  I got up at 5am (yes, I woke on time) & got in a 6 mile run.  IT was GREAT!  I had 2 days off running due to sleeping in one day & decided to do my tabata workout instead of running, as I didn’t have time for both.  Well, yesterday I ran instead of tabata & did a 6 minute tabata video in the evening.  Not the plan, but I got it in none the less!  That’s what matters!

It was SO darn cold yesterday.  It’s spring, isn’t it?  What the heck?  Now, Chicago is supposed to get snow this weekend.  Ugg, I wonder if I’ll ever run outside!

Anyway, my day was then filled with errands & errands, I wasn’t even home to get laundry done or play with the dog.

There are so many preparations for Pesach, it will get done, it will get done…


I won this cool warrior bracelet.  I chose the words breathe b/c that’s what I tell others when they’re stressed, as well as myself.  It centers me to take deep breaths, so now I’ll wear it  & hope that it helps keep me calm.  Can’t hurt, right?

I am piling up things for giveaways & have decided that I don’t need to wait for one to finish before doing another.  So, I’m going to get a plethora of giveaways ready & will soon post them, so keep checking back to see when they’re going to be posted!

I must tell you that today was not a good eating day.  Oh boy, it wasn’t!  We ran out the door this a.m. & I drove the boys to school instead of having them take the bus & they wanted to stop at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast.  There’s not much there for me to eat, but I did have 2 tortilla wrapped eggs & cheese.


Of course, there wasn’t any bacon on it.  They’re 150 calories each 8g fat & 7g protein.  That’s not too bad for a fast food breakfast.  I drank water with that, as I don’t like DD coffee!  I’m a Starbuck’s coffee gal.

Then, I was running around & didn’t have lunch.  I finally stopped home at 2:30 to unload my car & was starving!  I had leftover broccoli slaw & brussels sprouts with nutritional yeast & needed somehting else, so I had some granola & pb.  Nothing was bad, I just wouldn’t have had all that at once, but was starving!  Just not a good habit.  That’s one thing about being at work.  I’m so much more disciplined about my food.  I have snacks, eat balanced lunches, etc.  I always prep. it the night before, so it’s easy for me!

Don’t forget about the Two Moms in the Raw rafflecopter.  Their stuff is really fantastic!

Do you always plan your meals????

WIAW #6, giveaway & a birthday !


Thanks Jenn from Peas and Crayons for hosting another WIAW!!!!


Breakfast was on the go… I woke up late (hate when that happens).  I had to cut my workout short, hurry up & hang up balloons & streamers for Stone’s birthday & get ready before he woke up this a.m. so I could be ready with his birthday surprise.  Phew, I made it, but barely.  I grabbed a Quest bar (remember this for another post, hint) & my dandy new favorite glass so I could enjoy breakfast at work.  There’s green tea in that glass!


I had an apple for a mid morning snack (yes, it’s a recycled picture, but it was a honey crisp).


lunch was leftover zucchini/broccoli casserole with hummos.  Was a great combo.


I had this snack for Stone, as he likes a treat when I pick him up from school, but snagged some myself!  OMG- it’s so good!  It’s a little weird at first, but then it grows on you!  It’s a little spicy & a little sweet!  It’s a great treat & so yummy!


My dinner was perfect!  Of course, it was Stone’s birthday, so he got to choose what he wanted & he chose hot dogs with white bread buns, sesame noodles (not whole wheat pasta, plain white pasta), brussels sprouts  & cookie cake.  His favorites!!!


I knew that if I had a bite of the cookie cake, I’d have 5 pieces, so I had an orange instead.  That was will power for me, as they said it was really great.  I don’t have much control & save my suger overloads for Saturdays (usually).


Don’t forget to enter the Rafflecopter for the Two Moms in the Raw giveaway!

I’m off for a run (darn it, not outside, it’s so cold)  & my tabata bootcamp!  I’m really loving it.  It goes by quickly & keeps me motivated.

What’s on your agenda today?

New workout & kind deed!

I need to let you know that yesterday I posted a winner for the bib & medal holder.  I contacted that winner & she emailed me to let me know that she felt strongly that someone else should receive the prize, as there were so many of you who really wanted to win.  She was happy to win, but thought there were some of you who would appreciate it more than her!  So, I did just that!  I let the Rafflecopter do it’s magic & pick another winner.  The new winner is:

  • 82 Jen Clement Schomaker

Now, that’s a kind deed.  So sweet!


In the meantime, it’s almost Passover time for those of you who celebrate, you know that preparing for Passover & readying your house can be tremendous.  The past couple of years, we’ve locked our doors & gone away for the entire holiday, making preparations quite easy!  This year, we’re staying put & spending Passover with family!  That all being said, I’m doing as little cooking as possible leading up to Passover, as I want to clean out my kitchen.  So, I’m not sure what my food posts will be for a little while.  Actually, I’m guessing they may be non-existent for a bit.

However, I did start a new exercise regimine I’m very excited to tell you about.  I’ve signed up for virtual coaching by Laura from Fit Running Mama via tabatabootcamp.com.  It’s the greatest thing ever!  I don’t need to think much about what I’m supposed to do, as Laura inputs everything into the system for me & I just log in each morning & do whatever she has designed for me to do that day.  I will tell you I was a little skeptical at first because she was telling me that some days I would only be doing 6 minute videos & I thought that’s a waste of my time.  However, those 6 minutes really kicked my butt!  The focus is on quality & not quantity.  Do it hard, harder, hardest & make it count.  Well, it counts, let me tell you! My calves are killing (good pain) today.  I’m really excited to do this along with my running to get me in shape.  I do feel that running is a great cardio sport, but it’s so one dimentional & I need to focus on strengthing my muscles.  I’m confident that by doing this tabata bootcamp virtual training, I’ll be in better shape.

If you want to check it out, head over here to find out more.  You can also check out the website at tabatabootcamp.com.  You won’t be able to access the videos, but you can read about the philisophy behind the program.


Thus far, I’m quite impressed.  The best part is that there’s very little equipment needed & I can do it in my basement!  I actually had the necessary equipment & didn’t have to purchase anything at all!  I’ll keep you posted of my progress along the way.

Do you do cross training or do you simply stick with one form of exercise?

Don’t forget to enter the Two Moms in the Raw Rafflecopter.  Their stuff is so good!

Giveaway Time, winner & new workout routine!

I was so lucky to get a goody box in the mail from Two Mom’s in the Raw.  Besides their products being delicious, they have a wonderful story about how/why they started!

Here it is!

Shari (founder) started making raw foods after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2004. She found that a natural path to wellness (including a raw food diet) worked best for her. The treats she made for herself became so popular with friends and family that she decided to share the goodness even further with the help of her own mother. After lots of sales from the back of her car to parents of her childrens’ classmates in the school parking lot and a few years selling at the Boulder County Farmers Market…Two Moms had its start. Today Shari runs the business with her mother, father, husband and in-laws from the same commercial kitchen 5 minutes from her home. It is a true family affair.

Shari, Sarah, Rachel, Owen, Dudley, Gena, Marsha, Stanley, Jim, Cheryl, Jennifer, Santos, Max, Uncle H, Tia Tani, Uncle G, Alan, Sammy, Joshua, Uncle Scott, Auntie Souna, Noah, Annie, Sophia, Isabel,Uncle Jon (the family!)…and about another million amazing people have enjoyed our products over the years. Wish we could list them all but this website would crash!

Our products are made with simple and organic ingredients…that deliver a great taste experience!

Here’s what they sent me! Some for you, some for me!


I broke up the nut bars & sprinkled it on my Chobani for breakfast & it was great!

Their products are really good, so healthy & full of flavor.

For your chance to win, enter the rafflecopter.

The winner of the bib & medal holder is:

  • 119 Jennifer Lynn Hudy Follow @hlthyrunningmom on Twitter

You are so lucky!  You’re gonna love it!  I will pass on your information so you get your bib & medal holder!  Enjoy!

I had such a busy weekend with volunteer work with my kids to a basketball tournament & work event, that I simply didn’t have the opportunity to get my Meatless Monday prepared!  However, I did meet Henry Winkler last night at my work function.


It’s not your eyes, the pic is quite blury!  He’s such a nice guy.  We had a great time chatting it up with him.


Benji & I don’t get dressed like this to go out very often, but, sometimes is is nice!  We had a lovely evening!  I will be better about keeping up with my blog, but family time certainly takes presidence.


This was the other night.  We’ve all been exhausted!  We need to slow down a bit!  Benji may fall asleep often like this, but Truman NEVER does!  Hoping to have a more restful, relaxing week.  Maybe it was daylight savings time getting to us?

Did the time change affect you?