
I’ve been off schedule in so many ways for over a week now.  Passover threw my entire routine for a loop & I like routine for both me & my family.  We’ve been eating differently, staying up late, schedule has been quite erratic, etc.  I can deal with all of that; but, have been incredibly frustrated because my body is not cooperating with my goals.  I had a pinched nerve in December, went to P.T. for a while & got back to my regular routine after a bit.

Well, now something is happening again with my neck & I’m trying very hard to be careful so it doesn’t get bad again.  I’m “nursing” it with heat & p.t. exercises, etc.  It’s not terrible & I’m hoping that it stays this way.  I’m a little nervous to be honest, as it caused me much stress before.  So, I’m trying to focus on my upcoming 1/2 marathon in Springfield & laying off my tabata bootcamp training which I’ve been loving.

So, I’ve been wearing my new BREATHE bracelet I won from Lauren @ Breathe Deeply and Smile.  I love it & keeps reminding me to take one step at a time & Breathe!!!!  I’m really loving it!


So, it’s back to work today.  It’s my rest day, as well as Friday!  I’m just going to try to enjoy my rest & get strong for the race.  I know it will definitely not be a PR, but I’ll be happy to get through & feel good.

I did find a kombucha squash!  It was thrilled, as I thought it was past the season.  I roasted it with coconut oil, cinnamon and vanilla.  OMG- it was delicious!


I think I’m going to have it for breakfast with yogurt & some pb2 & chia seeds.  What a great way to start the day!!!!!!!

What will you have to power you up this a.m. for breakfast?

Don’t forget to enter the GIRLS4SPORT giveaway for a great halter for the summer!  Enter here!

Stuft Mama posted this yesterday & I loved it.  It’s from Runners World & really says it all!




There’s nothing like starting your day with a GREAT run.  That’s the runners high that I don’t get from anything else.  Albiet, short, it was a quick one (for me).  It’s always so funny to me how we I have to justify things.  Like that statement, was a quick run, “for me”.  Not sure why I feel compelled to do that, but I just do!  I justify things all the time.  I’m proud of my run & it is a good clip, so why justify?  Hmm….  Well, that’s just some more of my head trash that I contstantly battle.  I say it to you, know many of you think it, just won’t say it aloud!  Sometimes I say things aloud & look at others & realize that they would never say those things aloud.  Well, folks.  I do say it!!!  In my opinion, you should too.  Those are my words of “wisdom” today.

I can’t believe that it’s supposed to be 60 today.  I seriously wish I could run outside, but work/kids won’t permit today.  I’m not comfortable running outside when it’s pitch black at 5am this time of the year.  I save my 5am runs for summer when I feel safer!

My kids just discovered VitaTops!  It’s a great little treat.  They’d prefer to eat 4 at one time, so I limit them to 1 at a time, but they say they’re delicious!  There are a variety of flavors too.  I’m sure we’ll try them all in time!


I can’t believe I almost double booked a race!  Oops.  I was so excited!  I registered with my family & friends for the Subaru Down & Dirty on May 19 & almost signed up for a 1/2 marathon on the same day with my sister!  OY!  If it’s not in my calendar, it doesn’t exist.  Well, believe me, it’s now in the calendar.  I haven’t found all the races I plan to do yet this spring & summer, but I did sign up with Jill Conyers to run 13 in 2013.  Oh my!  I really did it!  Sometimes I get so excited & then after I take the plunge I realize what I’ve done!  Well, I need a motivator & this my friends is it.  It doesn’t matter the distance, the time, the place, just as long as you do it!  So, now I’m on the lookout for 13 races to join…..  Benji, yes, I did.  Sometimes I forget to tell him these little things.  Oops!

I got some more oats to make more granola bars.  I can’t wait!  They’re so good.  I may try peanut butter next time!

Woo Hoo-Tomorrow starts another giveaway!  Don’t you love giveaways?  I do!!!

The kind folks at Chobani will send one lucky winner a case!!!!  Don’t forget to enter via Rafflecopter.  (I’ll remind you tomorrow.)


What motivates you to keep going???

The non-sit up

This is really not a sit up at all, but does a great job working those abs. I have a pinched nerve & have been having a very hard time with planks lately (which is a great core exercise, but haven’t been planking b/c of my neck) so,I’ve been doing these without any issues! They’re hard if you’ve never done them before (and not easy if you have), but start slowly & work you way up!

Promise it’ll be worth the effort.

Here are some beautiful pics of me doing them.
  Please don’t comment, as these were done at 5am & in my basement which recently flooded (still putting back together).





I gotta tell you, it’s much easier to do exercises without a dog licking your face!  But, she’s so cute, isn’t she?

So, I do these after I run to get some core work in & then I feel like my workout is more complete.

Have you ever done these?  What core exercises do you do?

OOH, I’m so excited!  Chobani contacted me about my 1st giveaway!!!!!!  Stay tuned.  As soon as I figure out how to install a rafflecopter, I’ll be hosting a Chobani giveaway!


How do you eat your Chobani?  Plain or mixed or topped on something yummy?