
It has been a dreary week.  I can’t seem to get Boston out of my head, as so many others can’t either.  It’s just so overwhelming on many levels.  Maybe that’s why this rainy (pouring) weather seems to make it so much more dreary!  It’s supposed to rain for about 2 straight days.  Uggg.  I really thought that by now, mid April, I’d be running outside, but not quite yet.

I did finish Prison Break.  I LOVED the series!  It’s over.  There were 3 seasons & that’s it!  I will watch Parenthood unless I get other great recommendations while I’m on the treadmill. I am hoping that it’s not for long.

I had a great workout yesterday.  I did a 6 minute tabata, 30 minute tabata & 4 mile run.  I have been taking it easy lately, but that workout really got me moving & excited again!  I think I’m going to start to kick it up a bit to get moving.  I usually do run much more spring/summer, but the weather is just not cooperating.  However, I’m ready, so I’ll do it with or without the cooperative weather!

I made some great dishes tonight for dinner.

Curry Vegies


Awesome veggie burger (from Pinterest).


I’ll give you the recipes/links for those later.  Everyone (except for Truman) LOVED those veggie burgers.  They’re really great!

Homemade veggie burgers in our house haven’t been the greatest hit until now.

Do you have a great veggie burger recipe?  Please share…..


Here’s another What I ate Wednesday.  Thanks Jenn from Peas & Crayons for hosting!

wiaw serve up an extra cup button

Let me tell you that last night for dinner, I certainly served up an extra cup of veggies!  Take a peak below!


Ok, this pic. is recycled, but this has been my breakfast of choice of late.  It’s tasty, filled with protein & quick!



I had this salad with (peppers, cucumbers, heart of palm, tomatoes, carrots & roasted chickpeas)!


This was a great afternoon snack!


Check out this plate of goodness I had for dinner: roasted kabocha tots, asparagus, roasted broccoli slaw atop mixed greens & topped with nutritional yeast!  I loved this dinner!


My kids had some of this after dinner.  This is definitely not my favorite brand of ice cream, so I can usually refrain, but it had pb in there, so I had to have a little.  Surprisingly, I really only had a 1/2 mug full.  I can sometimes eat the whole darn thing!  That was remarkable for me :).

I only have 2 episodes left of the 3rd season of Prison Break!  I’ll be a little sad to see it end.  I was hoping that by the time it ended, I’d be running outside all the time.  Well, for the next 2 days, there are supposed to be terrible storms.   I better get a new series/movie to watch until these storms go away!

Don’t for get to enter the rafflecpter on the right side of the page for Hemp from Manitoba Harvest!

Is there a great movie or a short series you recommend for me to watch while running until the rain stops?

Esprit De She

I found out that I am now an Esprit De She ambassador!!!!!!!  Woo hoo!  Very exciting!  As an ambassador, I am going to run the event in Chicago on July 18.  Check it out here!  It sounds like a lot of fun & a great women’s race.  I’m all about the women’s events.  There’s something about the commraderie between women during a race & it’s so wonderful.  I hope you’ll consider joining me!!!!!!  Why not?


I also got my bright pink envelope from Ellie & had to immediately put on my new gear!

Now, nobody was home to help me take my photos, so please don’t look at the way my body is configured, just take a look at the adorable & comfy clothes!


The capri’s are PERFECT!  They’re not too low, nor too high.  They really feel perfect on my waist!  The top is a bit “sexy” for me.  I don’t usually wear anything low cut to show my clevage, but love the back of this top.  I know that running outside when/if the weather ever gets nice will be so great in this top.

You should hop over to Ellie and check out all the neat workout gear there.  If you click on the image on the right side of the page, you’ll get 20% off.

If you order, let me know what you chose.  I’m curious what everyone else likes.  The fabrics are really soft & they was easily.

I’m off for a nice run on my treadmill  (& a little tabata bootcamp) watching Prison Break.  I’m on season 3.  I just love it & know it’s going to end soon b/c I’ll be outside listening to my audiobooks.

Are you working out today?

I keep teasing you about more giveaways, but trust me, I’m getting them ready to post soon!