Random Babble & NuNaturals giveaway!

I had the greatest workout yesterday!  I ran 5 miles (on my treadmill b/c I thought it was going to rain).  Then I did a 6minute tabata workout & a 30 minute tabata workout.  I was truly a great way to start my day.  Love That!

I have to tell you that I’m really loving my NuNaturals flavored drops.  I added chocolate to the kids pancakes yesterday a.m.  I added the mint to my licorice tea (it was amazing) & I added a couple drops of the vanilla to my hemp protein shake.  It is seriously addicting.  I just made overnight oats for breakfast tomorrow & added a couple drops of the vanilla.  It doesn’t really need it, but I’m loving the addition, so why not?!


I saw this on another blog & had to post it.  It’s so true!  Running just clears my mind & makes everything alright!  It’s just as much for my physical health as it is for my mental health if not more sometimes!  Dontcha think?  And, the high you get after a great run.  I have never found anything else that does the same.  And, it’s FREE!  That’s the best!

I got these amazing bars the other day to try.


I had the acai berry yesterday for a snack.  It was really tasty & I loved the crunch from the seeds.  They’re only 100 calories  & packed with Omega 3’s.  It’s a perfect little snack that gives you a lot of vitamins & only 100 calories.  Definitely worth a try!  Thank you to the fine folks at Health Warrior for sending them my way!

Here’s a bit of info. about Health Warrior from their website.:


Five centuries after the Aztec Warriors built an empire on the power of Chia, we learned about the benefits of Chia while reading the best-selling book Born to Run, about the Tarahumara Indians and their jaw-dropping long-distance runs. The Tarahumara, like the Aztecs before them, are Powered by Chia.

We looked into it further, and were floored by what we found. Turns out Chia is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

We started eating Chia every day, on everything. Suddenly we were working out harder, lifting heavier, feeling stronger, and running farther, faster.

With that, Health Warrior was born.

Health Warrior is dedicated to vetting the world’s growers for the highest quality Chia and helping people conquer the many challenges of their everyday lives.

I wonder since I make sure that I have chia daily if I could stop taking fish oil….  I take it for the omega 3’s, but chia is loaded.  Hmmm…..  What do you think?

I have a huge bottle, so either way I”ll finish it, but maybe I won’t replenish it.  That’s something to consider.  If you have information about that, please weigh in & leave me a comment. Thanks for the support.

Do you take supplements?  What do you take & why?



I was so lucky to win all of these products from another blogger.

  • Lemon NuStevia Liquid
  • Orange NuStevia Liquid
  • Peppermint NuStevia Liquid
  • Chocolate NuStevia Liquid
  • Vanilla NuStevia Liquid

I didn’t realize how lucky I was until I did a little research & learned about all of the amazing benefits of NuNaturals products, as well as all of the wonderful “non-guilty” treats I could make!

Here’s what I found so interesting from the NuNaturals website: Stevia is a great all natural herbal sweetener that can be used a great low calorie, low carbohydrate sugar substitute but some people may worry about potential stevia side effects. Well the good news is there is nothing to worry about, while Stevia’s confusing treatment by the FDA can seem alarming, there are absolutely no Stevia side effects to worry about! Now with the FDA’s decision to allow the use of stevia Reb-A compounds as food additives there is nothing to worry about when using stevia as an all natural sugar substitute.

There are a variety of products on their website.  Not only are they wonderful & have a variety of options, but they also are cheaper on their own website than I’ve found anywhere else.

Liquid Vanilla Stevia_1

This is my favorite thus far!

I have to tell you that as of now, my favorite treat to make with my NuNaturals stevia is a “mock frappuccino“.  OMG- the recipe is so simple!  You NEED to try it.  It’s amazing.  I’ve made it several times for a variety of people & everyone loves it!  I am a Starbucks fan, but hate all of those senseless calories.  No worries when you make it this way- you don’t need to count calories or fat grams!!!

2 C leftover coffee (preferably cold)

1 T instant coffee

2 C almond milk

3 droppers of vanilla NuNaturals liquid stevia

3 C ice

blend & enjoy!!!!!!

You’re in luck because the fine people at NuNaturals is offering one of my readers to get their very own package of goodies from NuNaturals.  Just enter the Rafflecopter on the right side of the page.  You know the drill.  Good luck.

I haven’t made ice cream yet, that’ll be my next guiltless treat- can’t wait!

Here’s what I had for breakfast:


Kale smoothie with Sun Warrior plant protein powder & a drop of Vanilla liquid stevia.

Ok, I’m off to run a bit & do a tabata video.  I’m still on my treadmill, as it’s dark outside & rainy today- ugggg…..

I’m really hoping that it’s nice enough to get outside this weekend for a nice long run!

Do you use any stevia products?


It has been a dreary week.  I can’t seem to get Boston out of my head, as so many others can’t either.  It’s just so overwhelming on many levels.  Maybe that’s why this rainy (pouring) weather seems to make it so much more dreary!  It’s supposed to rain for about 2 straight days.  Uggg.  I really thought that by now, mid April, I’d be running outside, but not quite yet.

I did finish Prison Break.  I LOVED the series!  It’s over.  There were 3 seasons & that’s it!  I will watch Parenthood unless I get other great recommendations while I’m on the treadmill. I am hoping that it’s not for long.

I had a great workout yesterday.  I did a 6 minute tabata, 30 minute tabata & 4 mile run.  I have been taking it easy lately, but that workout really got me moving & excited again!  I think I’m going to start to kick it up a bit to get moving.  I usually do run much more spring/summer, but the weather is just not cooperating.  However, I’m ready, so I’ll do it with or without the cooperative weather!

I made some great dishes tonight for dinner.

Curry Vegies


Awesome veggie burger (from Pinterest).


I’ll give you the recipes/links for those later.  Everyone (except for Truman) LOVED those veggie burgers.  They’re really great!

Homemade veggie burgers in our house haven’t been the greatest hit until now.

Do you have a great veggie burger recipe?  Please share…..

Esprit De She

I found out that I am now an Esprit De She ambassador!!!!!!!  Woo hoo!  Very exciting!  As an ambassador, I am going to run the event in Chicago on July 18.  Check it out here!  It sounds like a lot of fun & a great women’s race.  I’m all about the women’s events.  There’s something about the commraderie between women during a race & it’s so wonderful.  I hope you’ll consider joining me!!!!!!  Why not?


I also got my bright pink envelope from Ellie & had to immediately put on my new gear!

Now, nobody was home to help me take my photos, so please don’t look at the way my body is configured, just take a look at the adorable & comfy clothes!


The capri’s are PERFECT!  They’re not too low, nor too high.  They really feel perfect on my waist!  The top is a bit “sexy” for me.  I don’t usually wear anything low cut to show my clevage, but love the back of this top.  I know that running outside when/if the weather ever gets nice will be so great in this top.

You should hop over to Ellie and check out all the neat workout gear there.  If you click on the image on the right side of the page, you’ll get 20% off.

If you order, let me know what you chose.  I’m curious what everyone else likes.  The fabrics are really soft & they was easily.

I’m off for a nice run on my treadmill  (& a little tabata bootcamp) watching Prison Break.  I’m on season 3.  I just love it & know it’s going to end soon b/c I’ll be outside listening to my audiobooks.

Are you working out today?

I keep teasing you about more giveaways, but trust me, I’m getting them ready to post soon!

Here’s the 1/2 marathon recap & more

Well, let me tell you that thank goodness my neck pain is gone!  I was nursing it to health & it worked!  So, there was absolutely no pain from my neck while running, nor residual pain afterwards-phew!

The race was the smallest I’ve ever run (I think).  I’m used to running in Chicago, and I certainly don’t know the number of runners in each race, this seemed quite small.  1,700 people were supposed to run.  The race was not well marked, there were a couple spots that told you your pace.  A few water stations.  They did have GU at 7 miles, and a several people in front of their homes looking/cheering.  It was not crowded & neat to run through different neighborhoods.  There were a few people dressed up in “Lincoln” garb, etc.  When I run solo, I like to listen to audio books.  When I run in races, I listen to music.  This race was so quiet, that I listened to my book.  There were always people around me, but there certainly weren’t any distractions, so I was enjoying my book as I was running.  I’ve been teasing that Springfield has mountains!  Well, there were a few steep hills that after running up the 1st one & having a hard time breathing, despite my great bracelet, I decide to walk up the other 2 hills.  After all, I wanted to enjoy the run & knew this wasn’t going to be a PR race!  So, I stopped at the water stations to take a leisurely drink as well.  I was pleased with my time in the end.

printradius 811 Debbie Harris F4044 460 19/110 154/837 54:35 8:49 13 1:58:05 9:01

I wanted to finish in 2 hours, and I did just that.


Some snacks I brought along for breakfast!


Laura & I with Abe & Martha (pre-race)


I ran by Uncle Sam & Abe the 2nd half of the race & had to chat with them afer.  Look at those running sandles they wore.  They love them!  I’m not so adventurous!

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Happy & sweaty after the race!


The famous coin medal!  It’s now hanging on my medal holder!!!!!


This was in the bag with my t-shirt & bib.  I just thought it was hysterical.  I’d think about running b/c I like the name, but it’s in Springfield & I’m not returning for a 5k.

It was interesting because, Benji ran the Chicago Shamrock Shuffle the next day.

Now, this race was an 8k, but so much different!  There were 40,000 people!  To say the least, it was mayhem!  There were bands, signs, people giving direction, first aid, volunteer, police, street closures, temporary fences, Gatorade galore, etc…

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Benji before we left the house.  Not so happy about the picture.  It also took Truman a while to get excited about being out in this mayhem on a Sunday a.m.


They closed the corral where Benji was supposed to start a little early & he was in Corral B ( I think it went up to J).  Nobody was happy, nor in line in time, so they jumped the temporary fence.  CRAZY!

The race was crowded, but so exciting.  I loved cheering on the finishers.  I think I got just as much of a rush cheering on the finishers as I did running the day before!

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This is a 40,00 person race!  Crowded & very exciting!  Benji finished in great time!



Truman was happy at the finish with his dad & his Gatorade he got for cheering!

These green guys were hysterical, had to take a photo to show you!

So, there’s a lot to be said for the smaller, less chaotic race.  However, the larger race is quite exciting!!!!!

What type of race do you prefer?

MEATLESS MONDAY & great recipes!


I have a couple of yummy recipes for you today.

Roasted Almond Butter 

3 C almonds

2 t honey

1 t vanilla

1 t cinammon

Preheat oven to 350

  1. Spread almonds on cookie sheet & toast in oven for  15 minutes.
  2. Put almonds in food processor & blend until desired consistency (could take 15 minutes).  Don’t get nervous, it takes a while.  It’ll start crummy & then will get a little thicker & if you wait it out, will become smooth & creamy.
  3. When it’s finally creamy, add vanilla, honey & cinamon.

Enjoy, it’s absolutely delicious!

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I also had this for breakfast yesterday & am really loving it.  It’s a bit messy, but hits the spot.


I put pepper & paprika atop.  This is the perfect Passover breakfast.

Did I show you my other breakfast concotion?

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It was great because the avacado was perfectly ripe.  I added little salt & pepper & smoked paprika.  YUM!

I got out for a 3 mile run yesterday.  I’m so happy to get outside again.  However, my body is really struggling with running.  I’m not sure if it was the 12 mile run that beat me up the other day or if it’s the transition to outside.  Either way, this is my taper week, so I’ll be taking it quite easy & focusing on tabata bootcamp workouts instead of running.  Hoping that my aches go away prior to my 1/2 marathon this weekend in Springfield.

Are you having a Meatless Monday?

Don’t forget to enter the giveaway for the halter top from Girls4Sport here:  http://wp.me/p30bSw-ki.

I’m Baaaack!


I’ve been swamped over here with Passover.  The past couple of years, we’ve gone to Florida & I’ve just locked up my house & gone away.  No big preparation of the house or lots of company.  It sure is much easier to just go away for the week, lie in the sun, relax & not stress about much.  However, being back in Chicago again & being with family for the holiday is so much different.  We really missed being with family.  We had 26 people last ngiht for the seder/dinner & it was wonderful.  Everyone participated & had a great time.  I’m still beat & recouperating, but so happy to be in town with family this year.  Not everyone was with us, but the people who were/are around, it’s so meaningful!

So, I took a little break from blogging for a few days to enjoy the holiday, which is still going on….


(Stone got new glasses a couple of days ago.)

I will take pics & post recipes soon.  I made a great salad that we’ll be eating for the next several days, as I made so much & it’s quite tasty!


(This is my new favorite breakfast!)  Avacado with egg-so great!

I have been fortunate to get my workouts in, even though my schedule is totally off!

Yesterday, I ran 5 & it was NOT easy!  I have been staying up late & working hard preparing, so it was hard to get my body to move, but I pushed it & did it!

I’ve also been diligent about getting in my tabata bootcamp workouts in!  The boys even tried to do it with me, but Stone found it to be a bit girly for him.  He didn’t like stretching out his hips, so he did his own exercises.

IMG_3436(Benji & Truman prior to the “festivities”.)


(Truman after festivities, fell asleep with Nemo.  Tru took Nemo’s bed & Nemo got the floor.  Nobody was in their proper bed 🙂 .)

IMG_3438(Oy, this was me blogging last night at midnight.  Benji couldn’t resist taking the pic. Thought I looked like the bride of Frankenstein.  Ha, he was right.  Oy, I can’t stay up that late anymore!)

Tomorrow, I’ll post pics/recipes & more healthy living tips.  Today, we’re off to a water park to get some movement in & get away from food :).

Don’t forget to enter both giveaways on the right side of the page.  One for Quest bars & the other for the adorable burnout tank.

What’s on your agenda for the day?

Winner & New Giveaway

Yesterday I had to do a 11 mile run (according to my 1/2 mile training routine by Hal Higdon).  There were a few reasons why I didn’t make it outside and ran on my treadmill!  It was a long hard run!  The good thing about doing a long run at home was that  I got to stop to use the restroom in my own, not a public restroom, got a drink when I wanted (didn’t need to wait for a fountain to appear or carry water with me) & got to watch Prison Break.  However, I am really done with the treadmill.  This body needs to get outside & feel the pavement.  I was really pushing the 11 miles today.  It was a slow/hard run!  Part of it was also that my rear & legs are sore from my tabata bootcamp.  The good new muscle building sore, but sore none the less!  I have 1 more long run (12) to do before the 1/2 marathon in Springfield in 2 weeks & I need to get outside!  Hoping for the weather to break & really turn into spring already!

IMG_3422 PROVEN- 11 miles on my treadmill!



I really needed these compression socks after that run.  I was told that it’s ok to wear compression sleeves for a run, but the socks are needed for recovery.  Here they are!

The winner of the Two Moms in the Raw giveaway is :

43 Laura Fine Leave a Blog Post Comment

Please send me your address so I can send out your samples.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Now, for a new giveaway….

I was so excited when Ilona from  strongconfidentYOU on etsy asked me what I would like to have put on a burn out tank.  Of course, I knew exactly what I wanted!

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Running Through Headtrash

I love it, as I often have headtrash that I just need to run through.  She has a lot to choose from or can make a custom tank, as she did for me.

Ilona has so generously offered a tank like this for one of you.  Check out her etsy site to see all of her adorable tops.  I’m going to do this giveaway using Giveaway Tools!

Click on the link on the right side of this page to see the giveaway.  I’ve never used this before, so I’m hoping it works & you all can see it!

DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE QUEST BAR GIVEAWAY STILL GOING ON!  I had one throughout my run to help me get through the 11 miles.  They’re really tasty.


I wasn’t ready to make my announcement yet, as I’m still surprised, but here it goes:

Chicago Marathon
Congratulations! You have been selected to register for the 2013 Bank of America Chicago Marathon. You can complete your registration by clicking on the link below.

I made it to the Bank of America Chicago Marathon!  The whole registration process was a mess!  Don’t know if you heard, but when registration opened up, I hadn’t yet decided if I wanted to run this race again.  Well, due to the registration fiasco, I had more time to think about it & decided to give it a shot!  I did & I got in!  I’m excited  & nervous!  Oh Boy, here I go ……

Last year when I ran, I thought that would be my last marathon because of the time committment.  However, I still have the bug & there’s nothing like a marathon high.  Looking forward to that again!  I ran the Chicago Marathon last year in 3:52.  That was my PR & I was thrilled.  I was hoping for 4:00, which would have been my best!  Something happened last summer & I was really able to pick up my speed, injury free & felt great.  Well, I was 7 minutes shy of qualifying for Boston last year.  This year I’m in a different age bracket (sometimes it’s good to be old) & I need 3:55 to qualify.  All the cards were in my favor last year, so I’m not banking on anything, but it sure would be amazing to qualify for the most amaing & sought after race!  At least it is in my book!  We’ll see.  Truthfully, my goal is to love the sport this season, be a good role model, feel good, and listen to lots of books on my IPod!

I first need to get through this 1/2 marathon next month, as I don’t feel prepared for that race yet.  I do have a few more weeks & will kick it into gear soon.  I really need to get outside to run, but haven’t had the right weather just yet.  I need my temperature to be just “so” to run outside.  I don’t mind the heat, as so many runners do!  I don’t like the cold, snow, ice or rain!

Come on Chicago, I need a little weather help here!

What’s your favorite running weather?

Don’t forget about the Rafflecopters on the upper right side of the page.  There’s only a couple days left to enter!



I must tell you that I had planned a 9 mile run yesterday & was so excited.  I knew that Wednesdays I typically have a large agenda, but my day begins with a nice long run.  I decided to take my kids to school first & then go home to run & finish watching Homeland! Well, I was having a hard time running.  I hit 4 miles & really felt myself struggling & not knowing why it was so difficult.  Instead of pushing it, I walked & ran the remainder of time I was on the treadmill.  I wound up doing 7 miles with a combonation of walking & running.  I was happy to complete my final disk of Homeland & finish the series ( well a little sad as well), but so disappointed in my run.  I was so puzzled as to why I just didn’t have my “mojo” yesterday & I realized a big mistake I had made.  I had coffee upon waking up & after I dropped off the kids I changed into my running clothes & went to the treadmill to run.  I didn’t drink any water, didn’t eat anything, didn’t prep. my body for my exercise.  I guess it really threw me off.  I will certainly not forget this next time I attempt a long run!  I typically wake up & go straight downstairs.  I guess the 2 1/2 hrs. I was awake & didn’t nourish my body isn’t the way to go!

So, all day long, I had to deal with the headtrash of not getting in my run that I had expected.  Do you ever do that?  When you have a goal & it doesn’t work out as you hoped, do you beat yourself up for it?  I do lots of self talk & try to convince myself it’s simply a bad day.  In fact, I’m so good at helping others through their “rough days”, but have a hard time believing it myself!  Ugg, the perils of headtrash!

I will have good runs the rest of the week!  I’m ready! 🙂

I have to tell you that I have a few really great giveaways coming up soon, I’m just getting everything ready to post for you.  I do giveaways because I LOVE winning, getting “prizes/treats” in the mail, just the thrill of it all!  I have to tell you that I read a lot of other blogs, that’s really how I got interested in writing my own blog.  In the meantime, I’ve been entering many giveaways myself & have been very fortunate to win some prizes too!  I just love getting mail when I get home that are “special treats”.


I received these cool produce bags from Diana at Veggie Next Door.  I forgot them at home yesterday when I went to the store, but I’ll be sure to keep them in my car for next time.  And then when I checked my email yesterday, I found out I won a 5 day kitchen detox from Naturally Fit Sisters.  I’m not exactly sure what it is, but I’ll be sure to share it with you when I find out!


Oh, and my PB2 came today!  That’s always a very special treat!  I LOVE this stuff!

I keep entering random giveaways because it’s so much fun for me that when I found out that I was a finalist for the February 2013 Athlete of the Month, I don’t even know how it came about to be honest!  But, since I did, here’s the link if you want to check it out & vote.     Voting takes place through noon on Friday March1.  Thank you!  I’ll let you know what this is all about if I do find out!

I didn’t get much of a chance to prep. any food yesterday (after my running debacle).  Believe it or not, I’m still eating leftovers.  I did get some spinach, I feel like I need greens & have been missing them for a few days, so I’m looking forward to having a nice salad today!

I did read a funny quote yesterday & I don’t remember it exactly; but, here goes a shot:

I’m a little chubby because it’s not training season!

That’s how I always feel in the winter.

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Here’s a couple random pics of Nemo, just because!

Do you have “headtrash” when you have a bad workout or are you ok with it?