Winner & New Giveaway

Yesterday I had to do a 11 mile run (according to my 1/2 mile training routine by Hal Higdon).  There were a few reasons why I didn’t make it outside and ran on my treadmill!  It was a long hard run!  The good thing about doing a long run at home was that  I got to stop to use the restroom in my own, not a public restroom, got a drink when I wanted (didn’t need to wait for a fountain to appear or carry water with me) & got to watch Prison Break.  However, I am really done with the treadmill.  This body needs to get outside & feel the pavement.  I was really pushing the 11 miles today.  It was a slow/hard run!  Part of it was also that my rear & legs are sore from my tabata bootcamp.  The good new muscle building sore, but sore none the less!  I have 1 more long run (12) to do before the 1/2 marathon in Springfield in 2 weeks & I need to get outside!  Hoping for the weather to break & really turn into spring already!

IMG_3422 PROVEN- 11 miles on my treadmill!



I really needed these compression socks after that run.  I was told that it’s ok to wear compression sleeves for a run, but the socks are needed for recovery.  Here they are!

The winner of the Two Moms in the Raw giveaway is :

43 Laura Fine Leave a Blog Post Comment

Please send me your address so I can send out your samples.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

Now, for a new giveaway….

I was so excited when Ilona from  strongconfidentYOU on etsy asked me what I would like to have put on a burn out tank.  Of course, I knew exactly what I wanted!

IMG_3405 IMG_3406

Running Through Headtrash

I love it, as I often have headtrash that I just need to run through.  She has a lot to choose from or can make a custom tank, as she did for me.

Ilona has so generously offered a tank like this for one of you.  Check out her etsy site to see all of her adorable tops.  I’m going to do this giveaway using Giveaway Tools!

Click on the link on the right side of this page to see the giveaway.  I’ve never used this before, so I’m hoping it works & you all can see it!

DON’T FORGET ABOUT THE QUEST BAR GIVEAWAY STILL GOING ON!  I had one throughout my run to help me get through the 11 miles.  They’re really tasty.

Day Off ????!!!

Wednesdays are typically my long workout days & my days off so I can get a lot done.  Ha, not yesterday!  I volunteered in Truman’s class, which is only fun & wonderful, but really a bad day to do such a thing.  I got up at 5am (yes, I woke on time) & got in a 6 mile run.  IT was GREAT!  I had 2 days off running due to sleeping in one day & decided to do my tabata workout instead of running, as I didn’t have time for both.  Well, yesterday I ran instead of tabata & did a 6 minute tabata video in the evening.  Not the plan, but I got it in none the less!  That’s what matters!

It was SO darn cold yesterday.  It’s spring, isn’t it?  What the heck?  Now, Chicago is supposed to get snow this weekend.  Ugg, I wonder if I’ll ever run outside!

Anyway, my day was then filled with errands & errands, I wasn’t even home to get laundry done or play with the dog.

There are so many preparations for Pesach, it will get done, it will get done…


I won this cool warrior bracelet.  I chose the words breathe b/c that’s what I tell others when they’re stressed, as well as myself.  It centers me to take deep breaths, so now I’ll wear it  & hope that it helps keep me calm.  Can’t hurt, right?

I am piling up things for giveaways & have decided that I don’t need to wait for one to finish before doing another.  So, I’m going to get a plethora of giveaways ready & will soon post them, so keep checking back to see when they’re going to be posted!

I must tell you that today was not a good eating day.  Oh boy, it wasn’t!  We ran out the door this a.m. & I drove the boys to school instead of having them take the bus & they wanted to stop at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast.  There’s not much there for me to eat, but I did have 2 tortilla wrapped eggs & cheese.


Of course, there wasn’t any bacon on it.  They’re 150 calories each 8g fat & 7g protein.  That’s not too bad for a fast food breakfast.  I drank water with that, as I don’t like DD coffee!  I’m a Starbuck’s coffee gal.

Then, I was running around & didn’t have lunch.  I finally stopped home at 2:30 to unload my car & was starving!  I had leftover broccoli slaw & brussels sprouts with nutritional yeast & needed somehting else, so I had some granola & pb.  Nothing was bad, I just wouldn’t have had all that at once, but was starving!  Just not a good habit.  That’s one thing about being at work.  I’m so much more disciplined about my food.  I have snacks, eat balanced lunches, etc.  I always prep. it the night before, so it’s easy for me!

Don’t forget about the Two Moms in the Raw rafflecopter.  Their stuff is really fantastic!

Do you always plan your meals????

Giveaway Time, winner & new workout routine!

I was so lucky to get a goody box in the mail from Two Mom’s in the Raw.  Besides their products being delicious, they have a wonderful story about how/why they started!

Here it is!

Shari (founder) started making raw foods after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2004. She found that a natural path to wellness (including a raw food diet) worked best for her. The treats she made for herself became so popular with friends and family that she decided to share the goodness even further with the help of her own mother. After lots of sales from the back of her car to parents of her childrens’ classmates in the school parking lot and a few years selling at the Boulder County Farmers Market…Two Moms had its start. Today Shari runs the business with her mother, father, husband and in-laws from the same commercial kitchen 5 minutes from her home. It is a true family affair.

Shari, Sarah, Rachel, Owen, Dudley, Gena, Marsha, Stanley, Jim, Cheryl, Jennifer, Santos, Max, Uncle H, Tia Tani, Uncle G, Alan, Sammy, Joshua, Uncle Scott, Auntie Souna, Noah, Annie, Sophia, Isabel,Uncle Jon (the family!)…and about another million amazing people have enjoyed our products over the years. Wish we could list them all but this website would crash!

Our products are made with simple and organic ingredients…that deliver a great taste experience!

Here’s what they sent me! Some for you, some for me!


I broke up the nut bars & sprinkled it on my Chobani for breakfast & it was great!

Their products are really good, so healthy & full of flavor.

For your chance to win, enter the rafflecopter.

The winner of the bib & medal holder is:

  • 119 Jennifer Lynn Hudy Follow @hlthyrunningmom on Twitter

You are so lucky!  You’re gonna love it!  I will pass on your information so you get your bib & medal holder!  Enjoy!

I had such a busy weekend with volunteer work with my kids to a basketball tournament & work event, that I simply didn’t have the opportunity to get my Meatless Monday prepared!  However, I did meet Henry Winkler last night at my work function.


It’s not your eyes, the pic is quite blury!  He’s such a nice guy.  We had a great time chatting it up with him.


Benji & I don’t get dressed like this to go out very often, but, sometimes is is nice!  We had a lovely evening!  I will be better about keeping up with my blog, but family time certainly takes presidence.


This was the other night.  We’ve all been exhausted!  We need to slow down a bit!  Benji may fall asleep often like this, but Truman NEVER does!  Hoping to have a more restful, relaxing week.  Maybe it was daylight savings time getting to us?

Did the time change affect you?