Peas and Crayons

Here we go again, I’ve linked up with the fine folks at Peas & Crayons for their WIAW.  I love seeing what other people eat, so I  hope you do too!


2 egg omlet with kale & arugula with nutritional yeast & hot sauce-YUM!

Here’s what I had for breakfast!  I had time to have this, which was rare, but such a delicious treat!  Honestly!  Had coffee too, just forgot to take a picture.  Of course the coffee was with So Delicious french vanilla coconut milk creamer (now that cocout is not poison for me)!

Typically I have a little snack, but had such a hectic morning- no snack for me! 😦   I did drink lots of water & green tea, which kept me going.  Not a very good example, but it was one of those days!



Delicious pumpkin/squash black bean chili, the apple is a recycled picture.

I’ll be eating this all week.  Doesn’t even need any seasoning tweeking, it’s so good!

Again, was in a rush for my afternoon snack, so I simply had some dried mangos from Trader Joes to keep me going!  They’re a great little treat snack.


salmon & roasted brussels sprouts

We love fish at our house, it’s quick, good & easy!  And, all of us eat it!  Nothing beats that!


Was definitly a glass of wine kinda night, as it was a very stressful day!  Love my red wine!

Surprisingly enough, no dessert for me!  I usually have a little something after dinner, but the wine did it tonight.

I told you a while ago that I would tell you about the push up app I use.

It’s called 100 Push Ups.  I love it!  You take a simple fitness test to get you started & then it sets up a routine for you from there.  You eventually work your way up to doing 100 push ups in a day!  The push ups aren’t 100 constant, you get breaks in between.  I typically take 30 seconds between sets.  Right now, I’m on 88 push ups for the day.  I’ve done this program over several times & just love it.  It’s truly amazing how quickly you progress!  I’m definitely an instant gratification kind of gal, so this is perfect for me.  It’s also only .99, that’s hard to beat!

The folks over at Ellie have new designs that are made for just the way you like them.  The website takes you through a serious of questions about your workout style & selects workout gear just for you.  I’m excited to get my first Ellie shipment very soon.  They have a program that you can sign up to receive monthly shipments or simply order for 1 month & see if you like it.  The company is dedicated to making every customer happy, so you can return anything if you just don’t like it, no questions asked!  Check out the website & the great 20% discount on the side of this page.  It’s certainly worth a shot!  I’ll be sure to let you know what I get when my shipment arrives!

Do you love any apps that you use often?

What’s  on your menu for today?

“ME time”

“Women in particular need to keep an eye on their physical and mental health, because if we’re scurrying to and from appointments and errands, we don’t have a lot of time to take care of ourselves. We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own ‘to do’ list.”

Michelle Obama

I do believe that it’s very important to take care of ourselves.  I’m a firm believer that if we’re not healthy & happy, neither is our household!  Sometimes it’s hard to do this; but, I do try!  I like to go to bed early, typically right after putting my kids to bed, I get myself together & go to sleep so I can wake before anyone else & have a little “me” time to exercise & get myself together prior to the rest of the house waking up!  No matter what you do, it’s important to take care of you.  Even for as little as 1/2 hour / day, everyone needs me time.

Yesterday at work, a co-worker told me about an amazing sounding soup she had for lunch.  She put vegetable stock in a crockpot, added asparagus, spinach & a leek.  When all the vegies were cooked through, she added salt & pepper & used an imersion blender. IT was a beautiful green color & sounds just perfect.  I’m going to try it!  I’ll probably add some beans for some substance & protein.  I’ll let you know when I make it with a more precise recipe.

roasted shredded brussel sprouts

This is a favorite in my house!  Shredded Brussel Sprouts

-shred brussel sprouts in food processor (Trader Joes sells them in a bag already shredded)

-2 T apple cider vinegar

-1 t Braggs liquid aminos

-1 t sesame oil

-1 t chili powder

-1 t paprika

Preheat oven to 425

Spray pan with pam

mix all ingredients together & bake for 20-25 minutes depending on how done you like them!


Easy as that.  It’s a funny mix of seasonings, but I assure you, they’re delicious!  Stone devours them.  We all love them in our house!  Let me know what you think if you try them.

You can also do this with broccoli slaw, cabbage, probably anything that you can roast will be good with this mix.  Try it!

What is your favorite “ME” activity????