Peas and Crayons

This post is something new & exciting for me.  I’ve been following a lot of other bloggers who hook up with Jenn at Peas and Crayons and post their eats on Wednesdays.  I am a self described “foodie”.  I do love food.  I don’t eat because you should, I eat because I love food.  I get excited when I find a new food, new recipe, new product, etc.  I could talk about food all day long.  I am also a lover of trying new things & checking out other people’s eats.  So, I’m going to start posting WIAW (What I ate Wednesday).  It’s a fun way to share…

WIAW is, as described by Peas and Crayons is:

—-What WIAW isn’t about—-
Comparison – Judgement – Restriction – Guilt
—-What WIAW is about—-
Celebrating one of the glorious things we all have in common: We all eat!
WIAW is about food and fun! It’s about making new friends, breaking out of a food rut, noting changes in your diet/lifestyle, inspiring yourself & others, embracing fruit & vegetables, nourishing your body with the foods that work for you, finding new ways to eat your favorite foods, and so. much. more.
Celebrate Food.  Celebrate blogging.  Celebrate Individuality.
Well, here’s my first WIAW post!
             (Chobani, frozen banana, chia seeds)
                     pumpkin granola bar
(No picture of lunch!  My colleagues would have thought I was nuts if I took a pic of my plate.)
I’d like to tell you I had amy delicious quick crock vegie soup, but I didn’t!  I had a meeting & they had a deli tray.  Well, I simply can’t do deli.  I have a hard time eating poultry, as I ususally just don’t enjoy it, but deli-NO way!  So, they had some cabbage salad, mushrooms & cucumbers I munched on.  There was no protein there, so I knew I was in for  troubles later…
                      (apple in the car & delicious cookies that Laura gave me.  When she shares the recipe, I’ll share with you.  They were amazing!  I wanted to eat 1, then ate another & then another.  I ate all 3.  They were so YUM!)
(salmon & roasted broccoli slaw with banana peppers, I had a lot more broccoli slaw, my favorite!)  I’ll post that recipe tomorrow- EASY!
          (Calcium aka adora & spoonful of NuttZo)
* I used to take calcium pills, but then I discovered adora~  Not only are they filled with 500mg calcium, they’re YUM, so I think of them as a double treat!
It’s on the upper right side of the page!
Will you have a special treat today?

Lots of Mail!

There’s nothign better than coming home to packages on my bench in front of my house!

What a treat.

Well, the first package was from the great people over at Chobani!   I’ve been telling you about their kindness/goodness & I got an entire case of goodness!



So, we’re trying it all out here!  I thought that it would be good to put plain Chobani on shredded beets (one of my favorites) with some hemp seeds.  Well, I was WRONG!  Don’t misunderstand me, it wasn’t horrible.  But, I could certainly live without that combination again.  I like all 3 things, however, not together!

Stone loved the mango & Benji loved the peach.  My favorite flavor is passion fruit.  I don’t even mind the big seeds, it’s so yummy to me!

I’ll soon be sharing the Chobani love with you….

One of the other packages that was waiting at my house was a Bulu Box.

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Well, I (actually Stone) opened it to find this:

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The thing I like most about this box that it comes with a handy little booklet with descriptions of what’s inside!

I got a sample of Perfect Blocks (powder mix).  It’s a food supplament that helps deliver essential nutrients that provide long-lasting, sustainable energy & support muscle growth & repair throughout the day in the perfect increments.

*If you’re a Bulu Box subscriber, you get 25% off.

There was a littel bottle of Dream Water.  It has 3 natural ingredients that help you sleep easily.  GABA helps you relax, Melatonin induces sleep and 5-HTP improves the quality of sleep.  I think I’ll share this with Benji & see what he thinks.

There was Immuno Gum in the box.  This is a simple, highly effective chewing gum that administers immune system-boosting ingredients in an instant for the “on the go” lifestyle.  I’m chewing it now.  It’s yummy, so why not?!

It also had 1 pill of NRGX Labs Red Stinger Black Label.  This is supposed to be an all day appetite control pill.  Red Stinger is said to boost your thermogenic rate, raise your resting metabolism, curb your appetite and give you more energy.

Bulu Box Subscribers get 15% off!

The las thing that was in this box was a natural sinus comgestion remedy:  Washington Homeopathic Products Sinus!  Use this for the relief of thick mucus draining into the throat, frequent hawking, headache from congestion.

Bulu Box subscribers get 15% off.

These are fun products to try if you have the need/desire!

If you want to try a little Bulu Box like this you can use the code FREE10.  If you like it, you subscribe to get more, if not, no loss!

Will you give it a shot?

And, lastly, I got my NuttZo!



The website lists 10 reason to eat NuttZo.  It’s filled with tons of nutrients & protein.  Of course, I needed to put my spoon right in & give it a try.  It is really good.  I was surprised that it was so oily, but maybe I just didn’t mix it enough!  I’ll be sure that it’s mixed more next time!  They have 3 different flaovs, I tried the natural. I love all the added seeds, so this was just perfect for me!  However, it’s a bit pricy, so it won’t be a staple in my house, but I got a 50% discount code from Stuft Mama, so I gave it a shot!

As for my run: well I had plans to run 7 miles, but got interrupted by the little guys, so it ended at 5 because they wanted to get on the treadmill.  How could I say no when they want a turn to exercise?  So, I did my ball sit ups & decided it was time to start doing push ups & planks again, as my shoulder/neck pain is almost gone.  Wow, it’s amazing how in such a short time your muscles atrophy.  At least I feel that way.  I was only able to plank for 40 seconds & my push up test was only 30.  That’s pretty lame for me.  So, now I need to work extra hard to get back up to where I was before!  It’s a little frustrating to start over, but it’ll be done!

Tomorrow, I’ll try to get out of bed a bit earlier so I have my quiet time in the a.m.  During the week there are no interruptions, but the weekend is another story.  Is it better to relax in bed for a bit, which I never do during the week OR pop out of bed (like I do weekdays) in order to have my quiet time on the weekends?  It’s a tough call.  I like sleep, but I also NEED to exercise.  I am such a crabby patty if I don’t get my exercise in.  It’s for my mental health, not only physical for me. That being said, it’s good for everyone around me when I get my exercise in as well.  It’s amazing how much it affects me when I don’t get in a good workout.  I have an excess amount of “head trash” on those days.

Funny thing that happened today was that it was my step-daughters birthday, so we had lunch together.  That’s not the funny thing.  I made a yummy crock pot chicken dish, Kale salad, squash/potato kugel & shredded beets.  The best part was that she was so excited about the dessert; cinnamon deep dish cookie pie from Chocolate Covered Katie.  Honestly, there aren’t many people who would be excited about a chickpea cookie; but, this is SO good.  You’ve gotta try it.  Chocolate Covered Katie has the best healthy recipes!

What’s the best thing you got in the mail lately?