Another Challenge, healthy surprise & date night

So much to share, let’s start with another challenge that I found here!  It’s a fun challenge that started a few days ago, but you can still join.     girly-pushups1

It’s so interesting that the goal is to do 100 push ups & I recently posted about the 100 push up app.  You can use that & get supported by a slew of other people as well.  I love challenges.  It’s good for my psyche as well as such a great motivator for me.  Do you like challenges?  Join in on the fun!  I started yesterday!

I also was so excited to get such a great box of goodies from Healthy Surprise!  They have a great philosophy…


-Check the ingredients-don’t count the calories

-Grains are not good (I’m not 100% in agreement with this one)

-When you eat, eat the good stuff

-Eat for Health, not from guilt

Checking the ingredients, not the calories is a way I live my life. I  try to eat healthfully & clean; meaning, that if I know what the ingredient is, then it’s ok to eat.  There are so many processed foods filled with so much “poison”, no wonder so many people are ill all the time!

You choose how big you want your box, how often you want it & of course the customer service is amazing.  You can call & let them know if you like or dislike & they’ll take care of you!  For me, a company is super when they have really great customer service, that makes a big differnence!

Love this company.  A few of the delicious goodies that came in the box are:




I’m going to be offering a giveaway very soon, so don’t forget to check back daily!  This is really one you want to win!

Last night was date night & such a treat!  It’s so nice when Benji & I get to go out by ourselves & enjoy each other.  We went to a Greek restaurant 2 other couples (cousins) & had such a nice time!  This is part of our healthy living, spending time togehter.  We still like each other, so it’s a treat for us :).  Some couples don’t really enjoy being together, but I’m lucky, I not only love my husband, I like him & enjoy his company.  Awwww.  Really, I do feel lucky.


(Gotta do something about this picture taking, I know, but, here’s a pic anyway)

Ok, enough mush, I know!

Had a good workout yesterday too…. Ran 5 miles, got 88 push ups in with my app & am working on 100 for the challenge, and did my ball sit ups.  I know I need to mix it up more, but I like my routine.  Hmmm, wonder what I’ll do next.

What’s your workout routine lately?

Date night!

Benji & I were out again Saturday night.  I would have said that we don’t get out much for dates lately, but our Saturday nights in February seem to be quite full!


The pic is a bit quirky, but we had such a great time!  We went out for Indian food with good friends & not only had amazing food; but, a lot of laughs as well.  Nothing is better than that!  So nice to get out for a brief time & laugh so much!!!

I’m glad that we got out Saturday night; because, Sunday was a quick 4 mile run on the treadmill because there’s so much to do on Sundays.  Fruit & vegie store, back packing shopping (Stone broke another one), pet store & pet cleaning & feeding day, laundry & basketball.  So much to do in a day.  With the kids in tow, everything takes a tad LOT longer.  I must say that they were actually good sports today.  Usually 1 store is their limit!  They were in a lot more than 1 store yesterday!

I made some yummy soup for the week for work lunches.

quick crock pot vegie soup


6 C. Vegetable stock

bag frozen broccoli

1/2 C. lentils

1/2 C quinoa

Large can crushed tomatoes

4 garlic cloves chopped

big bunch of parsley (or whatever herb you like)

4 stalks celery chopped ( I love celery)

1 whole onion

salt & pepper to taste

Put ALL ingredients in crockpot for 6 hours on high

SERVE hot & enjoy!


I also made some yummy granola bars to snack on for the week.  I have to tell you, I’ve seen so many people posting about granola bars, but it’s just one thing that I’ve never done before.  Well, it is really easy & I’m so glad that I finally took the plunge & tried to make them.  I’m definitely going to be making these & a variety of others MORE often in the near future.  I can’t wait to experiment with a variety of other ingredients.  These are pumpkin.  I can’t believe I didn’t do peanut butter first, but I will definitely make those next time.

Here’s the recipe.  I got from Clean Eating Chelsey.  The only change I made was to use honey instead of agave & I omitted the cacoa nibs.  I may add them nexttime, but they’re really good even without!


Not a great picture, I know.  When they’re cut, they look better.  I’ll show you later, but they really are great & hit the spot!!!

By the way:  as you probably already know, I LOVE giveaways.  Love them.  So much fun, right?!  Well, here’s a fantastic giveaway from Running Diva Mom.  She’s giving away a sampler of Nuun.  If you don’t know about Nuun yet, check it out.  I love it.  Used it a lot last summer when I was running & sometimes just for fun because it’s so YUM!  Don’t forget to sign up for the giveaway!

If I don’t prep lunches for the week, I tend to eat something on the go & it’s just not as good.  Do you prep for the week or are you organized enough to do something daily?

Date Night

Tonight B & I got out for a little bit to see a movie & grab some Red Mango goodness!

We saw This is 40.  OMG- it was so hysterical.  The entire theater was cracking up so loudly! If my son, Stone, was there, he would have been so embarrassed at us laughing aloud!  There were so many scenes in the movie that are so true to our family.  However, I’d love to  tell you that we’re not like that, we are so much like that!!  It was a bit unerving now alike it was to our household.  One of the funniest parts was when the dad (Paul Rudd) said to his 2 daughters & wife, I wish 1 of you had a dick.  I say all the time that I wish I had another girl in the house besides my dog!  The 2 older girls are out of the house & now it’s me & the fellas.


After the show, we decided to catch some delicious & nutritious Red Mango!  Do you love Red Mango yogurt?  It’s the best.  If you haven’t tried it- you need to go.  Tonight I had the original with mango!  So YUM!

