
I’ve been off schedule in so many ways for over a week now.  Passover threw my entire routine for a loop & I like routine for both me & my family.  We’ve been eating differently, staying up late, schedule has been quite erratic, etc.  I can deal with all of that; but, have been incredibly frustrated because my body is not cooperating with my goals.  I had a pinched nerve in December, went to P.T. for a while & got back to my regular routine after a bit.

Well, now something is happening again with my neck & I’m trying very hard to be careful so it doesn’t get bad again.  I’m “nursing” it with heat & p.t. exercises, etc.  It’s not terrible & I’m hoping that it stays this way.  I’m a little nervous to be honest, as it caused me much stress before.  So, I’m trying to focus on my upcoming 1/2 marathon in Springfield & laying off my tabata bootcamp training which I’ve been loving.

So, I’ve been wearing my new BREATHE bracelet I won from Lauren @ Breathe Deeply and Smile.  I love it & keeps reminding me to take one step at a time & Breathe!!!!  I’m really loving it!


So, it’s back to work today.  It’s my rest day, as well as Friday!  I’m just going to try to enjoy my rest & get strong for the race.  I know it will definitely not be a PR, but I’ll be happy to get through & feel good.

I did find a kombucha squash!  It was thrilled, as I thought it was past the season.  I roasted it with coconut oil, cinnamon and vanilla.  OMG- it was delicious!


I think I’m going to have it for breakfast with yogurt & some pb2 & chia seeds.  What a great way to start the day!!!!!!!

What will you have to power you up this a.m. for breakfast?

Don’t forget to enter the GIRLS4SPORT giveaway for a great halter for the summer!  Enter here!

Stuft Mama posted this yesterday & I loved it.  It’s from Runners World & really says it all!


12 thoughts on “Schedule/Routine

  1. We both have the same bracelet, and I’m glad you love it just as much as I do! I wear it all the time, and it’s such a great reminder to stay relaxed and focused 🙂

  2. I hope your neck feels better!
    I am new to coconut oil and don’t know how to use it… when roasting veggies, do you melt it first then rub/brush it on or flake some off and put it on top like chunks of butter? I would love to try squash this way.

    • Hi-
      I put some coconut oil in a pan (maybe a T or so) & put in the oven for a few minutes until it’s melted. Then, I put the squash in the pan, along with cinnamon & vanilla, then put back in the oven until it’s cooked. So yummy & easy.

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